Parâng Mountains
Parâng Mountains are one of the highest mountain ridges in Romania and Southern Carpathians, with its highest peak Parângu Mare reaching 2,519 m. The Parâng mountains are located in the south-western part of the Central-Meridional Carpathians.
The Parang Mountains consist predominantly of crystalline rocks, peripherally covered with patches of sediments, mixed with large areas of granite outcrops. The nature of the rocks favored the emergence of bulk, rounded ridges, separated by deep valleys. The mountains present an overall asymmetry, with the northern front more steepen, with short ridges, while the southern facade is less inclined and with longer ridge. Especially in the southern part, the slopes are composed of several steps.
In close connection with the relief characteristics of the Parang mountains, the vegetation is clearly shaped into 3 layers. The first layer is the broadleaf forest, which starts from the bottom of the mountains and goes as high as 1200m (northern slope) and 1400m (southern slope). They are made up of pedunculate oak, european hornbeam, silver birch and, the most common, but mostly spread on the souther slope, the European beech. The second layer mostly extended on the northern and western slopes, between 1000m and 1750m, and is composed of norway spruce forests and, locally, european silver fir.
In the Parang mountains, the tree line is situated between 1600m and 1800m. Above this limit are located the subalpine and alpine grasslands. The vegetation here is made up of krummholz trees, such as swiss pine, european larch, mountain pine and net-leaved willow, but also mountain cranberry, green alder and bilberry. Also common are grass family members, such as bentgrass, tufted fescue and highland rush. On limestone rich areas, Edelweiss can be found. The southern Charpatians fauna is characteristic also to the Parang mountains. Among mammals, the grey wolf, fox, wild boar, brown bear, eurasian lynx and red deer can be found.